Normal Antenatal Care: Part Two
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Dr Carly Roxburgh
Dr Carly Roxburgh is a GP Obstetrician and medical educator based in beautiful Albany, in Minang Country on the South Coast of WA. She practices holistic medicine, with a focus on pregnancy care and neonates. She works in general practice and regional hospital settings. She is skilled in all aspects of pregnancy care, including caesarean birth and neonatal resuscitation. She is passionate about medical education for medical students and junior doctors. She completed her medical training at UWA and worked as a JMO around WA and in the UK. She has Fellowship of RACGP, an Advanced Diploma of RANZCOG and Diploma of Child Health. She is the Lead Medical Coordinator at the Rural Clinical School in Albany, which includes 3rd and 4th year medical students from all three WA universities.
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